Volunteering for CMO
CMO relies heavily on volunteers to minister to inmates at the Sedgwick County Detention Facility in chapel services, Bible studies, and one-on-one counseling; also to perform data entry, office tasks, and report preparation for the sheriff’s office.
Thankfully, many volunteers have served for years in these capacities. However, additional volunteers are always needed.
Volunteer Opportunities in the CMO Workroom
Data Entry / Keyboarding
CMO activity must be documented electronically for accountability to the Sheriff’s department. For Chapel Services and group Bible studies, this means names of inmates who have requested chapel services, as well as those who have attended. CMO holds two or three services each day.
Direct Ministry to Inmates
Lead chapel services or group Bible studies; perform one-on-one Bible study, prayer and ministry in the ministerial booths.
Call us for additional information at 316-660-7513 or send us a message on our Contact page.

Application Process
To volunteer, you must complete the following items:
- Application for Access to the Sedgwick County Adult Detention Facility. (Requires free PDF reader.)
- On page 1, “Position” is “volunteer.” “Organization” is “CMO.”
- Sign and/or initial NEARLY EVERY PAGE, and complete ALL required fields, or application will not be processed.
- Gather all required documentation:
- Completed / signed application.
- Copy of drivers license / state ID
- See page 11 for details regarding:
- Two letters of reference.
- Clergy: if desiring to perform one-on-one visits with inmates:
- Copy of ministerial license or ordination.
- The Ministerial Privilege Affidavit (page 12).
- Deliver required documentation to CMO:
Mailing address: CMO, 216 E 2nd St N, Wichita, KS 67202
In person: 2nd floor, 141 W Elm St, Wichita, KS. (Staff in the sheriff’s office on 2nd floor opposite the elevator can direct you to the CMO workroom.)
- If application is approved, schedule on-site INMATE MANIPULATION & PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) training with Assistant Chaplain Sandy Kasper, 316.660-7513.
Note: You must be approved by staff and pass a background check to be granted access to the facility. Please contact Sandy Kasper, 316.660.7513, M-F 8-5, with any questions.

Ministerial Booths